winter at last

winter at last
árbol musgo

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Mi madre y las mujeres del vecindario

 El cuadro se titula '' mi madre y las mujeres de mi vecindario '' y lo pintó un niño de Kerala (India), el que oía decir a su padre al preguntar por los quehaceres de su madre.. '' sólo está en casa, no hace nada''. El maestro de la escuela quedó tan impresionado al ver esta pintura del estudiante de la clase 9 de Anujhat Vinayal de Thrissur, que la envió a la oficina de gobierno. Ha sido seleccionada como portada del documento para elPresupuesto de Género del año 2020-2021 del gobierno de Kerala.

Monday, September 28, 2020


 After reviewing adjectives, we should focus on some other grammar points, like past simple. In your book yo've got a chart with the use, structure and time expressions related to it, so here I'll post a video so that you can have some "human" support from Mr Pea.

Now it's your turn to practice:

Refresh your Memory, 1

 Hi! We continue this week remembering things we know from previous years and learning some facts.

For those of 1º ESO, I will summarize some crucial points, and I will post some helpful links and documents.

Click here for countries and nationalities with pronunciation.

Say at least one interesting fact about those countries.

And here you can practice with possessive adjectives

Finally, Watch your watches!!!

Monday, September 21, 2020

21st of September

 Hi, Students!

Here we are, Autumn and School at the same time!

Today is our first day, so it's a good chance for refreshing our memories. Let's begin with some old friends: comparative and superlatives, which we viewed and reviewed last year.

Last entry about comparatives

And here you have a chart and some excercises to practice:

Thursday, September 17, 2020

So hapoy to be there!

¡ Hola a todos y todas!

¡Qué alegría volver a nuestro querido instituto! Después de tantos meses sin poder vernos las caras hoy por fin nos hemos visto los ojillos. Ha sido un ratito muy corto, pero suficiente para sentir  la ilusión de un nuevo comienzo. Como ya os he dado  hoy, mis alumnos y alumnas de 3º A debéis enviarme un correo desde el vuestro, que habréis de revisar previamente. Os responderé enviándoos el horario y el enlace a la plataforma Moodle. Por favor, en asunto poned 3A Welcome. Y en el mensaje contestad a esta pregunta: 

¿ qué crees que deberíamos hacer o qué te gustaría hacer en algunas horas de tutoría?

¡Nos vemos el lunes!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Wednesday, 27th May 2020

Hi! If we were at School now, we would be quite hot!

But we aren't , so....time for hypothesis and then,

Second Conditional

 El Second Conditional se usa para expresar:

  • condiciones hipóteticas referidas al presente If I had a car, I would go to the beach (Si tuviera un coche, iría a la playa).
  • algo que es poco probable que ocurra. If it rained tomorrow, I would buy an umbrella
  • Para dar consejos ( me pongo en la situación de otro) If I were* you, I would never tell him the true.

Here you've got a complete explanation in English:

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Tuesday, 26th May 2020

HAPPY TOWEL DAYGood morning! Another beautiful sunny day. The sky looks blue and the flowers and trees show all their spring force.

It's a wonderful world this we live in. So, talking about how to preserve it is a recurrent issue every year in our subject.

What dangers threaten the Earth?And what can we do to stop them?

Lately we humans are feeling frightened because of this new virus, and we all are trying to take action so as to stop it and searching for a vaccine so that it is not a risk for us.  But for our Planet, human behaviour is sometimes as danderous as a diseasease. The good news is that we know many things we can do to stop it.

Today we'll focus on global warming. First, let's see something about this phenomenon:

Now, what can we do to help?
If you run out of ideas, here there's a link to some very clear tips for kids from the Natural History Museum of America.