winter at last

winter at last
árbol musgo

Thursday, October 20, 2016


Enjoy watching this video of the Tornado Scene of the movie "The Wizard of Oz" , 1939, and answer the questions below. 

How does the tornado begin?
What's the reaction of the different characters?
What does the tornado provoke?
When does the story turn fantasy?


  1. the tornado begins to make things move like leaves, trees etc.. Dorothy gets the dog and runs home but she can`t get into the basement like her friends .
    she starts seeing strange things out of her window like a witch, a cow etc.. at this moment the story starts to get unreal .

    J.A. González/A.Vega. 1ºC

  2. 1. The tornade started when the girl begin to run

    2. The girl began to run, the oz IP wizard left de horse and the women calls the girl

    3. The tornade provoques that the girl begin to dream and imagine that the house goes fly

    1. 1.The tornado started by a strong wind near the farm.
      2.Most take refuge in a basement but the girl doesn´t give time and gets inside the house.
      3.It caused the house began to spin inside the tornado.
      4.Because the girl slapped his and had a dream in which she saw people who greeted her and talked to her in the middle of the tornado-

      Alberto Cabello 4B


  3. The tornado begins with a soft wind and characters began to run to a basement. The tornado lifted the house and a girl into de house started to see stange things throw the window.

    Francisco.R.A 4ºB

  4. 1-The tornado begins with a gentle breeze with lot of tree leaves flying.
    2-Everybody got into their houses and gathered their most valuable belongins.
    3-It provokes lot of ravage in the village.
    4-When lot of people were doing their activities in the tornado as if nothing happen.

    Juan B.G. 4esob

  5. The tornado started with a soft wind that moved some trees an other objects. The men with the animals started to shout, then Dorothy's mum started to say to the mens that they had to go to the basement and finally as Dorothy came later she tried to get into the basement but she couldn't so she became histeric. The tornado made the house started to fly and the horses tried to scape . The film turned to fantasy when Dorothy started to dream or probably when she was hit with something so she faint.
    Ana Conde Marrón 4°A

  6. We can't see when does the tornado started, we can see that it goes to the town, moving things like trees. Dorothy's family go inside the basement but she cannot, the animals are very nervous because of the tornado. It provokes that she fall and start dreaming with some unreal things like a witch. At this moment we can say that it becomes a fantasy world.

    Celia M. A. 4ºB

  7. The tornado begins with a light wind wich becomes stronger: it takes away trees, animals, roofs of houses...The people at the village who sees the tornado coming to them, run to hide in their basements to protect themselves from the tornado. Dorothy, the girl with the dog, tries to get into the basement with the other people, but they don't let her enter. Then she searches another place to take cover of the tornado, and founds a house. She lies in a sofa grabbing her dog, and the tornado takes away parts of the house, and then the house stars to spin inside the tornado. When the things got calm, Dorothy gets out the house, and the enviroment becomes different: that's the moment that we can see the yellow brick road.

    Marta S.G 4°B

  8. 1. The tornado begins with strong wind.
    2. The people runs and hide in a basement, and the girl searches for a house.
    3. The tornado makes the houses and trees fly.
    4. The story turns fantasy when the girl go out the house and see the enviroment changed.
    A.Ramirez 4'B

  9. Dorothy, a girl who has got 14 years old, ( the actress really has got 20 years old ) ran to taking refuge of the tornado with his dog , totó. Moreover, His mother was worried for not founding Dorothy.
    The other characters were scared , so they hid in the basement , but Dorothy went to his house with his dog because she didn't found nobody. when she arrived , her head was hit, it caused in dorothy some fantasies as seing his grandmother , two man in a canoe or a woman in a bike and cow in the tornado .Also , she had a nightmare where she thought that the house was in the middle of the tornado. when the tornado was dissipated, Dorothy openned the door of his betroom and she saw a magic place since she still was in the dream.

    Warda E.C.D 4ºB

  10. 1. The tornado started when the girl run across the farm
    2. All of the became crazy and they were very impatient
    3 She started dream and look out for the windows
    4 Pablo devesa

  11. 1-The tornado started strongly, hard winds tilting everything in the farm.
    2-The characters as obviously ran into safe places like their homes or to the nearby barn.
    3-It broke things out like doors or small objects, but surprisingly the girl's house was blown up to the sky.
    4-When the house started to fly throughout the sky.

    Álvaro Lillo Climent 4B

  12. The tornado begins with a strong wind and making everything fly.
    All the people hide in a shelter in the farm and the girl tries to take her things and enters the house.The tornado provokes that everything flies in the air,people and animals are scared and the house where the girl flies, too.The story turns fantasy when she hits her head with a windows.

    Laura.T 4ºA

  13. 1- the tornado started when dorothy enter to the farm
    2- they were scared and worried and when to the save site
    3- dorothy provoque the torndao why he started dream and see unreal things

    Angel Mazariegos 4to ESO B

  14. 1. The tornado began when the girl started to run in the farm. But we don´t know how did it start.

    2. A man left their horses. Many people were shouting and running.

    3. The tornado make the trees fly and the animals look like restless.

    4. When the girl fell on a bed.

    Víctor Viseras Martín 4ºA
